(1977). <i>Demonstration by Information Theory that Life Cannot Arise from Matter</i>, Bhaktivedanta Institute Monograph Series Number 2
(1977). Demonstration by Information Theory that Life Cannot Arise from Matter
The Bhaktivedanta Institute Monograph Series Number 2
Richard L. Thompson (Sadaputa Dasa Adhikari). Demonstration by Information Theory that Life Cannot Arise from Matter, Monograph Series No. 2. Boston, MA: Bhaktivedanta Institute, 1977.
In this paper we will show how the mathematical analysis of information content demonstrates that the laws of nature as understood by modern science are not sufficient to account for the life we see about us. The basic argument is this: The laws of nature and the corresponding mathematical models of physical reality can all be described by a few simple equations and other numerical expressions. This means that they possess a low information content. On the other hand, the intricate and variegated forms of living organisms possess a high information content. It can be shown that configurations of high information content cannot arise with substantial probabilities, in models defined by mathematical expressions of low information content. It therefore follows that life forms could not arise by the action of the kind of natural laws or fundamental causal agents which are considered in modern science.
Note: These volumes were recently published in a compilation edition titled, The Bhaktivedanta Institute Monograph Series.