(1988). <i>Computer Simulations of Self-Organization in Biological Systems</i>. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.
(1988). Computer Simulations of Self-Organization in Biological Systems. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.
Goel, Narendra S. and Richard L. Thompson. Computer Simulations of Self-Organization in Biological Systems, with Narendra S. Goel. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988.
Synopsis from the dust jacket:
Self-organization in biological systems is ubiquitous. Examples include the folding of globular proteins, formation of protein quaternary structures, bacteriophage assembly, the aggregation of cells into tissues and embryo, and protein biosynthesis. It is now possible to carry out computer simulations for many of these systems, which the aim of achieving greater understanding of such systems and prediction their behavior.
This is the background to this book which shows what can be achieved today with simulation of such systems on microcomputers. The first five chapters describe the essenceof computer modeling and general princiles of organization of biological systems. A new class of models, the movable finite automata (MFA) models, are introduced. Part II gives detailed examples of biological systems, the models for many of which have been developed by the authors. Many are concerned with aspects of molecular or developmental biology. Because of limitation of space, detailed computer programs are not provided. The book should interest a wide range of biologists, biophysicists, biochemists, computer scientists and physicists, more and more of whom are using computer modeling.