Interpretation and the Srimad Bhagavatam

New Vrindavan IAAS Conference: Moundsville, W.V. – December 15, 2007 / (902)

Thompson addresses issues involving interpretation and ancient texts, particularly when analyzing evidence offered by the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam that appears at odds with methodologies identified with modern science. He then explores several ways to consider these challenges by using examples from Purāṇic literature describing the Bhū-maṇḍala, as well as "calculations of time from the atom." Rather than necessarily considering such descriptions as mutually exclusive to a contemporary understanding, Thompson argues that by maintaining a mature degree of flexibility while respecting the integrity of each tradition, scholars can explore these seemingly disparate perspectives in a manner that potentially fosters an enhanced picture of reality.

(Please click here for more information about this conference.)