(c. 1994). Vedic Planetarium and Science Museum brochure, Bhaktivedanta Institute San Diego Center

(c. 1994). Vedic Planetarium and Science Museum brochure, Bhaktivedanta Institute San Diego Center


As is well known, Srila Prabhupada, the founder-acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), wanted a Vedic planetarium constructed as part of the main temple in the ISKCON Mayapur project in India.

But Srila Prabhupada also expressed a desire that a Vedic planetarium should be constructed in the United States. The San Diego Center of the Bhaktivedanta Institute proposes to inaugurate such a Vedic planetarium project.

Experience gained in constructing a Vedic planetarium and museum in the United States will be helpful in constructing the Mayapur Vedic Planetarium and can serve as a model for the construction of other Vedic planetariums in different countries around the world.

The Vedic Planetarium and Science Museum could be constructed in any major city. In particular, Srila Prabhupada mentioned Washington, D.C., and it has obvious advantages—each year millions of tourists come there from all over the world to visit museums and cultural institutions. . .

Background on the Bhaktivedanta Institute San Diego Center

. . . The San Diego Center of the Bhaktivedanta Institute, under the direction of Dr. Richard Thompson (Sadaputa dasa), has been particularly active in publishing and video production. . . [and] is currently engaged in research and planning for a Vedic Planetarium and Science Museum to be constructed in Washington, D.C.